
Should I do pilates or yoga?

Should I do pilates or yoga?maybe you just gained weight?
yoga doesn't make you bulky.It does seem weird that yoga would make you bulkier, especially around the stomach area...has any other part of your routine changed? The only thing I can think of is that you may be increasing the various stomach muscles which is leading to increased bulkiness, but if that's the case, then I think Pilates would probably make it worse, as there's a lot of focus on the stomach (or core) muscles in Pilates, even more so than in yoga. I just don't know if that's the case though. Are you sure it's not just bloating or water weight? Is it an ongoing thing?
Anyway, try doing more flow yoga (moving fluidly from pose to pose with the breath, as opposed to holding poses for long) as that is more of a cardio workout and can help assist with weight loss.

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