
LifeForce Yoga® Warm-up

LifeForce Yoga® Warm-up

From LifeForce Yoga® to Beat the Blues, Level 1 with Amy Weintraub The author of Yoga for Depression (Broadway Books) leads you through an energizing sequence of Yoga warm-up poses including a simple twist, spinal flexes in "Flying Cow," a gentle backbend with a mantra, and Downward-Facing Dog Pose. www.yogafordepression.com All material is Copyright © Amy Weintraub 2008 Yoga breathing, stretching, yoga pose,depression, yoga, mantra, Amy Weintraub, LifeForce Yoga®, prana, energy, mood, second chakra.
Video Rating: 4 / 5

Yoga Websites or Books ?I had a lot of good luck with Beryl Bender Birch's Power Yoga. She also has a website, listed below. This is a fairly high-intensity astanga yoga routine that will give a good workout with strength, flexibility, and endurance work, as well as all the benefits of the deep breathing and other benefits of yoga. You can get the book at the website as well, and I'd also recommend getting some of her audio tapes as they walk you through the routines nicely.

yoga books

Image by carianoff

Orignal From: LifeForce Yoga® Warm-up

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