
Kids Yoga, Raising Healthy Children, kids exercise

Kids Yoga, Raising Healthy Children, kids exercise

juliehammerstein.com Julie Hammerstein is one of the country's leading health experts. As a Certified Nutritionist, she works with families, companies, and individuals helping them breakthrough the myths around diet and exercise and create a whole new and empowering Culture of Healthy Living. She has helped thousands of people take back their health through her philosophy Small Change, Big Impact™. With this simple, yet profound message, Julie dispels the negative beliefs about weight loss and eradicates the mindset that being healthy is hard. And she should know. Up until age 20 Julie battled with her weight. Her own experience of growing up as the fat girl, and cycling through diet after diet gave her the drive to find a better way. She knows first-hand the heartache, and dangers, of eating junk food, leading a sedentary life and being overweight. Today, Julie lives a different life. She follows her systematic approach to eating right, exercise and practicing self-care and is committed to helping others do the same. In her speaking and coaching programs Julie shares her systematic approach to break free from what she describes as the Fat Kid Mentality. She helps her clients realize and breakthrough all of the limiting beliefs around food and what it really means to be healthy. Her company, MaxLife Therapies, was inspired by her son Max, whose vibrant health and dynamic nature serve as reminders that nothing is static, and that we all have an inherent desire to create ...
Video Rating: 4 / 5

Yoga poses related to transportation?How about introducing them to some pranayama as an example of transporting them to a peaceful state of mind?

All the yoga I do is on a mat, pretty stationary, so I'm not sure what else might fit the theme.

Some yoga moves that stimulate the heart and stimulate the transportation of blood and oxygen to all parts of their body?
I'm thinking specifically of some kundalini yoga I have done that is pretty simple yet repetetive moves that get the heart pumping. :)

Hope that helps a little. :)There are a ton of transportation poses that I use with my kids classes all the time! We actually take "yoga field trips" without leaving our yoga mats!

Get in your car: Dandasana Pose
(then you can buckle seatbelts which add twists, roll up the windows, start the car, press on the gas/break to stretch the top of the feet)

Drive to the airport: Warrior Three
Standing on one leg, then take a fuel break and switch legs.

Get on a boat: boat pose!
Row, row row your boat (add singing, it's fun!)
sail boat - arms over head
canoe - low boat

Then you can go to the beach... and the mat becomes a surf board! You can do Surfer 1, Surfer 2, Surfer three (warrior 1, 2, 3) and other poses on the surf board. It could also become a snow board if needed.

You can also look at games with transportation: Have everyone become trees (tree pose) and drive airplanes through the trees or cars.

You can look at ways animals move and put yoga mats in a "zoo train" and move like animals.

The possibilities are limitless!
(though I'm not sure where you could find them online, just be creative with regular poses!)

Yoga at Wonderscope
yoga kids

Image by Bekah267

Orignal From: Kids Yoga, Raising Healthy Children, kids exercise

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