
Is this a good amount of weight to lose?

Is this a good amount of weight to lose?in my opinion, i think you should consult with one of the trainers at a gym so that they can give you a better answer.4 to 5 pounds a week is really good. I was once over 230 pounds & when summer came I lost 60 pounds in just 2 months. June & July.Yes, that sounds very healthy to me. If you exercise more you will want to eat more, which is okay as long as your eating healthy food. Just based on people I know, the ones who are eating every couple of hours are very skinny. I know some others who never eat, and I am assuming they starve themselves all day and then eat a lot at night. They are very large.that is a good weight you lost. Keep going and good luck hun :)
i also applaud you for losing weight the healthy way. <3thought I'd never get the excess weight off - didn't want to do any silly fad program. A girl friend showed me this and I'm very happy!

Musical Games: A Different Teaching-Learning Experience

Article by Smitha07

Music is called the soul of the universe; it gives wings to the mind and wheels to the feet. People belonging to any age group enjoy the chirping of the birds, sound of the river waves or the humming of the bees. Our natural world is full of music. When we come across any sound that sooths our senses, we get rejuvenated. Music is used in different ways for different purposes. In medical science, the sound waves are used to heal many diseases. The modern day educationists have recognized music as an effective tool to be used in the academic process. Thus different preschool programs use musical games.

These games stimulate the senses of the kids and let them work more efficiently. Almost every child adores different sound waves that reaches their ears and reacts upon those. Different sound waves have varied impact on us. It is not that we need to buy some special toys for these games. We can easily create some interesting musical games in our homes. Spend some time with your child to search for different household items that can be used to create different sounds. Place these items in a row and beat these with sticks. You can find that these will create sounds of various forms.

In the modern day preschools, music is being used as a vital tool to nurture different emotions among kids. The benefits that music offers to the little learners are uncountable. Music helps to improve vocabulary of the little learners. Nursery rhymes always contain a particular rhythmic pattern. In one research, a group of kindergarten students were divided into two groups and are given one particular rhyme to memorize. Among these two groups, one is taught a nursery rhyme with a particular tune while another group is simply taught a rhyme without any tune.

The next day, it was found that kids, who were taught rhymes with tune, memorized that easily, while the other group faced difficulty to recite the rhyme because there was no tune. This research study proved the worth of music in the academic life of the toddlers. Apart from the vocabulary, these games also help the kids to refrain from being involved in any untoward activities. It is found that music soothes our senses and also calms down our minds. Music serenades our lives, adding significance to moments, people, and events, connecting us to our experiences, emotions, memories and dreams. We can notice in yoga classes that there is a soothing sound of music.

The schools encourage the students to take part in different musical activities because of its universal appeal. Activities like moving your body with the tunes make the children aware of maintaining a healthy body. Music actually plays a therapeutic role for the children who are in distress. Both the interpersonal and intrapersonal skills of the child can be enhanced with the help of music and the kid's musical toys can greatly help the child develop a liking towards music. The other benefits of music for kids are the enhancement of functional abilities and the creative and social abilities of a child.

Orignal From: Is this a good amount of weight to lose?

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