
e-Samsara.com - Yoga, Aromatherapy, Candles, & Gifts ...

e-Samsara.com - Yoga, Aromatherapy, Candles, & Gifts ...

Samsara is a word used in Oriental philosophy to describe the continuous cycle of birth and rebirth. It means to pass through states or to wander. We are all wandering through life, e-Samsara is here to help make your wanderings more peaceful and relaxing.
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what is this problem?Well, that's a ramble, but I'll try.

First, since this is a problem for you, acknowledge it.

Second, I notice from what you've written that you look to external things to confirm yourself, so you'll feel better. For instance, while it's a wonderful achievement to get a blackbelt in the martial arts, this doesn't mean that it will make you feel good about everything in life. Achievements are great, and they help your self-esteem, but if you're mind process is faulty, nothing you achieve will make a difference.

Women? If you meet the greatest woman on Earth, the object of all of your dreams, you will soon find out that she is not a happiness vending machine. You're responsible for your happiness.

You have a preoccupied mind, and that's all. Don't worry about it, You're not stupid or going crazy. The expectations of everyday life are just getting too boring for you. What you have going on internally simply seems more interesting to you.

Read "Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance".hi there... thanx for sharing ur problem... though we all here cant help u totally we can tell u that its more cuz of the ppl u r surrounded with who are not understanding why u r acting the way u r cuz all they are concerned abt are results... and u juts seem to be falling short of their expectations... and its ok... u may fall short of ppl expectations... like for example when u tried counting money... u cudnt do it cuz u wanted to get it right the first time... and as u didnt... u got a little more hasty and confused as to why it happened... and did it again... the last time u tried to do it slowly to get it right and u got it... so its all abt getting it right the first time and not having patience with falling short... since all ur previous years u were always getting it all easily...u never faced failures and u were going fine... but when u faced a rejection ins hape of the girl ditching u and then ur bosses unable to enourage instead be mean to you for ur low performance.. ur juts losing it with urself the patience...

u are trying too hard to win and the more u try the less it is gettingf or u to win... and failures are causing u stress... but u see failures are part of life... all great man had failed at things... and tried to understand themselves to get things back in order...

ur trying too hard to get everything in control... all u need is to accept yourself and wat u going through rather then judge it to be something extremely wrong... its not... and until u wont stop aorrying abt ur falling short on ppls expectations u will only keep adding to more of these failures... all u need is to stop trying to get perfect and competerent at every areas of ur life ... instead steady urself and slow down urself a bit... take long walks... try to get some rest, watch light movies that make u happy or indulge in activities taht are light and fun where u dont have a sence to get it all right to feel good...u r not born for competition and that is where u find urself a failure... whe u compare urself and try competing ur bound to fail... but when u go on ur own race... making ur own goals as per ur own needs and give urself enuf space and time to get them right and not rush into results u will see u will get all thats worth to ahve and imp in time... as ur life and timeline for getting all things shud come from u alone... u shud be ur own boss... may be u like to work in a place where ppl dont judge u on bringing quick results instead ask for ur dedication, quality of work ... i dont know... i cant work for others... as they stress me outr with their own expectations... and i have my won way and sense of priorities... so afetr trying hard... to get myself right i quit it... i know u cant wquit it so in roder to keep urself less stressed ... keep looking out for other jobs... and wat ur really good at...:) good luck

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