
01 Basic Yoga Workout for Dummies Part 5

01 Basic Yoga Workout for Dummies Part 5

Part 5
Video Rating: 4 / 5

01 Basic Yoga Workout for Dummies Part 6

Part 6

Why am I so chubby and tired?You should go to the doctor and get your thyroid checked out. It might be under-active.
Good luck!The reason you are not losing weight is because your calorie intake still exceeds your rate of energy expenditure.

I recommend running for 40 minutes per day on a treadmill. You will also benefit from lifting some weights at least once per week. The key here is to burn calories.

Don't starve yourself though. Eat sensible portions. If either of these are overdone, your body a) go into starvation mode in which case your metabolism slows down or you can overeat and put back all the calories you burnt through exercise.

You should try the following website: http://www.fitday.com/ Once you sign up you can use their site to track your weight loss and to monitor the calories of the foods you're eating. It's pretty good. I had a friend who lost 100 lbs using this website, eating sensibly, and exercising consistently each day.

Orignal From: 01 Basic Yoga Workout for Dummies Part 5

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