
What's a good yoga routine for a 15 year old girl?

What's a good yoga routine for a 15 year old girl?This 20-minute beginning yoga routine will not only help you clear your mind of the stresses of school, but will increase your flexibility, strength, and vibrancy.

When performing this routine, breathe slowly and evenly through your nose.

•Balasana (Child's Pose)—one minute to say a prayer or set a spiritual intention for your practice
•Adho Mukha Svanasana (Downward-Facing Dog)—2 minutes
•Uttanasana (Standing Forward Bend)—10 breaths
•Parsvakonasana (Side Angle Pose)—10 breaths each side
•Prasarita Padottanasana (Widespread Standing Forward Bend)—10 breaths
•Vinyasa/Suryanamaskar (Sun Salutation)—flow slowly from one pose to another

◦Uttanasana—5 breaths

◦Chaturanga Dandasana (Four-Limbed Staff Pose)—3 breaths

◦Bhujangasana (Cobra Pose)—5 breaths

◦Adho Mukha Svanasana—5 breaths

◦Virabhadrasana I (Warrior I Pose)—10 breaths

◦Chaturanga Dandasana—3 breaths

◦Bhujangasana—5 breaths

◦Adho Mukha Svanasana—5 breaths

◦Virabhadrasana I—10 breaths

◦Chaturanga Dandasana—3 breaths

◦Urdhva Mukha Svanasana (Upward-Facing Dog Pose)—5 breaths

◦Adho Mukha Svanasana—5 breaths

◦Uttanasana—5 breaths
•Baddha Konasana (Bound Angle Pose)—1 minute
•Janu Sirsasana (Head-to-Knee Forward Bend)—1 minute each side
•Setu Bandha Sarvangasana (Bridge Pose)—1 minute
•Supta Padangusthasana (Reclining Big Toe Pose)—1 minute each side
•Child's Pose—give thanksYoga is hard in the beginning because you have to be flexible and able to sustain a pose for longer than 5 seconds. For instance you'll start off in downward dog (basically you bend down and touch your toes and then step back and keep your hands firmly on the ground still, try not to let your feet lift up and keep your butt lifted). Another pose that may be difficult but I like to do is three legged chair pose. You're in downward dog and you lift your right leg up and flip to your right side, being careful you don't fall. Look up some of these on Youtube. Btw I'm 17 1/2 and it took me about a month to perfect these :)

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The Daily Workouts And Yoga For Weight Gain

Article by David Jack

Girls can easily make friends with each other. Yes, it's true even while travelling two of the girls who are unknown to each other starts interacting on one of their hot favorite topics. Starting from strawberry lip gloss to Gucci bags, they love to discuss each and every brand of products which will help them to enhance their beauty. But, nowadays girls are found to discuss more on their figure and less on beauty products. Whether you are travelling in a bus or train, you would find girls discussing on Pamela Anderson's figure and regretting on their fate as god has not gifted them the 36-24-36 figure.

Okay, so god is kind enough to give 36-24-36 to Pamela Anderson? Well, it's not god's gift but the daily workouts and yoga for weight gain which helps her to stay fit and healthy. Weight gain issues have become very common nowadays with more and more people joining the yoga clubs and gym to stay in shape. When you have a poached egg in your breakfast, chicken sausages in your lunch, French fries in evening and pork rice in dinner, no one on earth can stop you from gaining weight. It's actually because of the lifestyle which has given birth to so many health problems.

Nowadays, you will never see a kid playing in the ground as most of the time they spend in front of television watching Shinchan, Scooby doo, Tom and Jerry. You can't really blame the kids as it's the duty of the parents to encourage them to go out in the open and breathe fresh air which is much required to have a healthy lifestyle. Even though people decide to go on a diet they fail by eating more food on the next day. Ask your kid to pass the spoon when he is watching Shinchan. He will not move a single muscle as he is watching the cartoon which is one of the most important things of his life. Just imagine what will happen to him in the last episode of Shinchan? He will also look like the cartoon character with fat in his belly as he has not moved a single muscle throughout all the episodes of the program.

So, what can actually be done to stay in shape without gaining weight? Yoga for meditation is a good and effective way to fight with stress as it calms your mind and body. You must be thinking that why meditation should be practiced when the topic is weight gain? When people are in stress, they eat more without realizing the fact that they are consuming more than the required amount.

When it comes to exercises of yoga for weight gain, you must choose the exercise which will suit with your body. You should make sure that you are practicing the yoga postures in the right way so that you can enjoy the benefits. Start practicing yoga exercises and see the changes happening in your life. Love life! It will love you!

Orignal From: What's a good yoga routine for a 15 year old girl?

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