
Swami Kriyananda - Kriya Yoga in Daily Life - Mumbai, 30 Sep 2007

Swami Kriyananda - Kriya Yoga in Daily Life - Mumbai, 30 Sep 2007

Swami Kriyananda gave this talk at the anniversary of his discipleship, celebrated in India as the beginning of his sixtieth year.Swami Kriyananda is a direct disciple of Paramhansa Yogananda and is an internationally known author, lecturer, and composer. Widely recognized as one of the world's foremost authorities on meditation and yoga, he has taught these principles and techniques to hundreds of thousands of students around the world. Ananda India
Video Rating: 5 / 5

Tara Stiles & Tao Porchon Lynch: Living a Fear-Free Life

Yoga and wellness expert Tara Stiles talks to yoga master and nonagenarian Tao Porchon Lynch, who has practiced and taught yoga for decades. Tara asked Tao how she has reached her 90s in excellent health and with an optimistic attitude people of any age would envy. Her secrets? Tao says the most important thing is watching your breath, that most of us simply don't know how to breathe properly, for optimal health. When you expand your breath, says Tao, you are also expanding all the possibilities of what you can do - which is anything. Her "Pollyanna" attitude has helped her live a life largely free of fear, she says. If we remember that we have every possibility within ourselves, it becomes much easier to live without fear or worry. If you are worried, the best thing to do, she suggests, is to stop and take a breath, acknowledging the life force inside of you. One thing Tao does every day is simply take a moment when she wakes up in the morning to look out the window and see the sun; she also does shoulderstands every night before bed to quiet her mind and thoughts before going to sleep. For more on yoga, wellness, and health, visit the Nissan Innovation for Endurance page on Facebook at facebook.com/innovationforendurance, where you can also enter for a chance to win a 100% electric Nissan LEAF or one of our weekly giveaways!
Video Rating: 5 / 5

Will yoga help me cope with life while my husband is delpoyed?

Orignal From: Swami Kriyananda - Kriya Yoga in Daily Life - Mumbai, 30 Sep 2007

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