
Help finding stress relief?

Help finding stress relief?Positive thinking.take an hour or maybe just a half and hour each night/day to just be. set time for only your self and nothing else. this could include reading, writing, music, etc.I started taking Yoga. It has really helped. Maybe try taking 20 minutes out of your day to yourself. No tv or anything, just sit there and focus on your breathing. Try tackling each subject of matter individually. Take it one step at a time, and whatever you don't get done, it's whatever! No ones perfect. Also going for a jog or lifting weights has helped. GOod luck! =)pound your meatYoga is nice to let go of daily stressors, sure, but I think you'd find a more physical (less relaxing) method of release. Try boxing, Kempo karate, or whatever you have locally to get your aggression out. Then use yoga to keep yourself relaxed.

Yoga Zone - Conditioning and Stress Release (Beginners)

yoga for stress relief - click on the image below for more information.

Studio: E1 Entertainment Release Date: 09/24/2002Some people take up yoga to build strength and flexibility; others are primarily looking to reduce stress and tension. This 55-minute program, while purporting to address both groups, is actually much more appropriate for the latter. Yoga Zone founder Alan Finger does an excellent job not merely emphasizing the importance of the breath--the single most vital element of any yoga practice--but also explaining yoga breathing techniques, followed by

Yoga Zone - Conditioning and Stress Release (Beginners)

Click on the button for more yoga for stress relief information and reviews.

Kundalini Yoga for Stress Relief

Article by Karan Khalsa

Kundalini Yoga is one of the spiritual types of yoga that goes beyond the physical performance of asanas. With its emphasis on breathing, meditation and chanting - Kundalini Yoga creates a conscious connection with the Divine by removing all the obstacles and fluctuations of the mind. It raises the energy of our inner self to a higher frequency and opens our awareness to realize the ultimate peace. Kundalini lies at the base of the spine and is represented as a coiled serpent. As the Kundalini energy is awakened, it moves up from the base of the spine from Muladhara Chakra to the Sahasrara Chakra located at the top of the head.

The untapped energy or Prana within a human being can be awoken by awakening each of the seven chakras (Muladhara Chakra, Svadhishthana Chakra, Manipuraka Chakra, Anahata Chakra, Visuddha Chakra, Ajna Chakra and Sahasrara Chakra) through postures, movement, specialized breathing, hand gestures, body locks, chanting and sound. Full enlightenment of an individual is attained when the Kundalini energy reaches the Crown Chakra (Sahasrara Chakra). Kundalini Yoga strengthens and tones the nerves, glands and organs of the body and finally draws the mind and senses to an inward experience of deeper state of consciousness. Kundalini Yoga helps an individual to attain a feeling of bliss and awakens his dormant spiritual force.

The main purpose of awakening the Kundalini and moving the energy from the lower to the higher chakras is to give the practitioner an experience of the infinite. There are two phases of kundalini awakening - Purification and Awakening. In the Purification phase, several techniques of hatha yoga such as pranayama, asanas and kriyas are practiced. In the Awakening phase, the kundalini energy starts moving up from the base of the spine towards the top of the head (sahasrara chakra). Awakening phase is marked by more advanced pranayamas, mudras and bandhas. As Kundalini Yoga practices and meditation helps this untapped energy to rise above, the practitioner experiences a distinct transformation within himself. He feels much more relaxed and less stressed.

Kundalini Yoga have many benefits. Kundalini Yoga is referred as successful and permanent antidote to stress. Practicing Kundalini yoga and meditation not only uplifts the spirit of the mind, body and the soul of the individual, but, strengthens and enhances the strength and flexibility of the nervous system. Kundalini yoga fosters the integration of the mind and the body and helps to control the thought processes of the individual. In the process, Kundalini Yoga calms the practitioner's mind, balances his emotions, thus, reduces the factors which lead to stress.

While practicing Kundalini yoga and meditation, one requires an apt ambiance that will invoke strong mood of concentration. Music plays a pivotal role in this regard. Music can influence many mental processes within a human being and has the charisma to evoke many feelings and thoughts of mind. By creating a flow of soothing melody, music helps the listener to relax. Music is thus often regarded as the concentrator and the best healer of stress. In yoga and meditation, proper music creates sounds and tones that will help the listener to achieve higher levels of concentration. Spirit Voyage is the one stop for the yoga practitioners who are in search for the right kind of yoga and meditation music. Being one of the popular companies that offers spiritual CDs and DVDs, Spirit Voyage essentially aims to take all the music lovers to a journey of deep spiritual insight. The yoga music from Spirit Voyage will help the practitioners merge himself into a stage of harmonious awakening. The sacred chants and musical pieces by Spirit Voyage artistes like Wah, Hari Bhajan Kaur, Deva Premal, Deuter, Shakta Kaur Khalsa, Snatam Kaur and many others will take the listener to an enlightened journey of spirituality.

Spirit Voyage's Yoga DVDs and CDs can develop strong moods that influence the subtle energy fields of the listener. The Kundalini Yoga music or the New Age Celtic Music, Meditation Music for Relaxation or instrumental music of gongs, bells and bowls all have the power to influence the subtle energy fields of the listener and thus direct the listener towards a higher realms of spirituality.

Spirit Voyage not only offers an innumerous yoga music Cds and Yoga DVDs but also guides you to the way of attaining healthy and blissful life with its collection of yoga books. The collection of yoga books include books on Kundalini Yoga, general yoga books, yoga books for children and health and wellness books. Different yoga accessories like yoga mats, yoga rugs, yoga cushions offered by Spirit Voyage serves the basic purposes of all yoga practitioners.

Since, ancient ages, Music and Yoga practice goes hand in hand. When these two collaborates, they pave the way for an individual to realize the greatest truth of life. The mind reaches the pinnacle of spirituality and nullifies material value of things. The ultimate realization of eternal truth is acquired as the human body and mind discover the greatest potential. The mind, body and the soul are relaxed, free from grasps of thoughts that leads to anxiety and stress. Negative thoughts like lust, greed, anger, hatred are also effaced and the mind and soul is cleansed, thus illuminating the inner self with the divine glow.

Orignal From: Help finding stress relief?

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