
The Guru In You Book Trailer

The Guru In You Book Trailer

THE GURU IN YOU by Yogi Cameron - yogicameron.com The book is now available online, in book stores and wherever books are sold. Learn more about Ayurveda, Yoga and a more natural way of living. Visit http for more information.
Video Rating: 5 / 5

Which book is the most complete power yoga book?Hi! Here's a link to a good book on ashtanga yoga that has detailed explanations of the moves:


I bought it after reading the reviews and have been very pleased with it. It's more complete with more in depth explanations than "Power Yoga".

Hope this helps. Happy Holidays. :-)

Neal Pollack reads from his yoga book
yoga in books

Image by jessamyn

Orignal From: The Guru In You Book Trailer

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