
Pre-Natal Yoga: Highlight Video of Dr. Christine Anderson's One-Hour Dynamic Prenatal Yoga DVD

Pre-Natal Yoga: Highlight Video of Dr. Christine Anderson's One-Hour Dynamic Prenatal Yoga DVD

Dr. Christine Anderson, Los Angeles based chiropractor Board Certified for Pediatric Chiropractic Pediatrics with degrees in pediatrics and homeopathy, created a 90-minute Prenatal Yoga DVD that is getting great reviews throughout the country. Yoga during pregnancy is another great way to stay in shape and work muscles that will be needed during labor and the post partum period. Yoga`s benefits extend beyond the physical, bringing in breath work, focus, and the mind-body connection that are crucial for a healthy delivery. If a woman has never done yoga, it is best to go to a class tailored for pregnant women. Prenatal yoga videos and DVDs are also great to use at home if classes are unavailable. Check out his 3 minute highlight video of the terrific yoga program she put together, for more info about Dr. Christine Anderson and her practice go to www.kidchiropractic.com
Video Rating: 5 / 5

I'm a young woman trying to lose weight, what are some ideas you have?if you find working out at the gym boring, try to join some recreational sports...VOLLEYBALL!!First of all.Try not to eat any fattening food,like cheese,pizza,milk,any kind of meat,not even ice cream,yogurt or any other creamy stuff.Don't eat those baked items either.You do need some nutrition everyday so do eat some breads,soups and if you can try 2 to 3 times fruit and salad only.Go to long walk,do cycling.if you see any little difference in weight then try some more exercise like rope jumping.remember don't do over exercises.if you feel tired then stop.try again but do more exercises by some more practices.Good luck and live healthy as you are just only 20 yrs old.Hi, Go to www.mydiet4u.com and and fill in the information and also go check out www.hugenutritionmall.com and look at the shape works products. These products are great and work very well as long as you keep to rules of the diet. My wife lost about 30 pounds in 2 months and now she uses the products to keep her weight were she wants it. At mydiet4u.com you can get a sample pack that has 3 days worth of Total Control and several other sample products. Also you will get a DVD and other information describing how the weight loss plan works and the study behind it all. The company has been around for 27 years so you know they have to be doing something right. Anyway good luck with everything and hope this helps.you have to cardiovascular exercises in order to lose that weight
running can be boring but keep a goal --like if i run i will be healthier or something
listen to fast beat ,music while running and time will fly
if you run about 30-40 minutes everyday and add weight training you will lose a good amount of weight
for weight training do it 3 times a week every other day so that your body has time to heal
and don not go crazy on the diet
i know it sounds weird that i am saying this but keep realistic goals with eating tell yourself that you are only going to consume 1200-1500 calories per day no MORE or no LESS
eat 5 meals a day to boost that metabolism
avoid sweet things like chocolates candies and sodas
replace all drinks with water (drink 10 glasses a day)
and no junk food
and eat only until you are satisfied
and do not eat after 8 PM
i hope that helps
you can email me for questions:
dezistyle92@yahoo.comWell, personally I dont like using DVD's. They seem pointless and I never feel like doing them.

It's really good that you're going to walk dogs and go to the gym. Good for you!

Lifting weights can actually make you gain weight, so don't go by the scale. If you want to become toned, use lighter weights and more reps. Don't lift weights on consecutive days. It's bad for you. Try doing weights one day and then cardivascular exercises the next day.

Yes! I love yoga! Pilates is just as effective but my personal preference is yoga. It makes you leaner and is an effective way to burn fat.

Whoa! Mistake number 1!!!!! No matter what any diets tell you, NEVER, i repeat, NEVER count anything! Trust me, I've tried it. You know what should be going into your body and what shouldn't be. Counting makes you concious about what you eat ALL DAY. That is why most people hate dieting. They drive themselves insane with all this counting and measuring.

All you have to do, is eat healthy foods. Sure, every once in a while you can eat what you want. You don't have to completely block off all the yummy foods. :D. just know how much to eat and when to stop.

Plus, since you are 20 years old, GO PARTY! Let me explain that better.....if you go to a club, dance,dance,dance! Dancing is a great way to burn fat! Even if you dont know how, get out on the dance floor and do something! Avoid drinking alcoholic beverages though. You can have fun and lose weight without even knowing it!

-Hope this helped you. Trust me, it works, ive been in the same situation. : D

Orignal From: Pre-Natal Yoga: Highlight Video of Dr. Christine Anderson's One-Hour Dynamic Prenatal Yoga DVD

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