
sleeping issues?

sleeping issues?when he wakes up have a book by the side of the bed and read it when he wakes up

reading makes you tired and he should fall back to sleep

good luck

god blessi take melatonin. It puts me out and i don't wake up throughout the night, but i also don't feel groggy int he mourning.
It's a natural supplement over the counter.See a doctor. Many things could be causing this. It might not have anything to do with it. It may be a brain chemical imbalance. The doctor will probably prescribe ambien.... Good Luck!!He needs to see a doctor to determine of it's Primary or secondary insomnia..primary means u rule out anything that make be contributing to his sleep disorder such as caffeine stress , environment..secondary is the one they can actually help you with..there are several medications that may help him fall asleep and are not addictive..the only way to be sure is see the doc..I suffer from Primary and I've tried all the home remedies and natural products..Nothing works..good Luck.You should tell your boyfriend to see his doctor. The symptoms you describe are all symptoms of sleep apnea, which can cause serious health problems but is treatable. Try Googling "sleep apnea" and you'll find websites that have questionnaires that can give you a more accurate indication as to whether he may have sleep apnea.

Here is a list of some natural supplements he may consider taking to help him sleep (they're all 100% safe and can be taken individually or together):

Valerian Root (with or without hops)
Holy Basil Extract

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