
FitSugar's Spring Essentials: Fitness Gear For Running, Yoga, and More

FitSugar's Spring Essentials: Fitness Gear For Running, Yoga, and More

Spring is almost here, at least according to the calendar. Psych yourself up for the changing seasons with some new gear! Here are five fitness essentials sure to put a spring in your step as you take advantage of the longer days and warmer weather.

How many caleries should I intake to loose 25 lbs in three months?You have given excellent information to work with. Limit yourself to 1500 calories/ day. It shouldn't be that difficult to do. Of the 1500 calories introduce a lot of roughage, Whole wheat bread with over 5% fiber, eat breakfast cereal daily like All bran fiber with skim milk, this will help hold down your appetite also. Eat loads of fresh fruits and vegetables when you snack, like carrot and celery sticks,applles bananas, etc.
You will have no problem losing the weight you want if you follow those guidelines.Before a bunch of people start preaching at you, let me say that I feel your pain. There are a lot of people out there that actually can't lose weight - And NO ONE ever believes them!

Try Slim Fast! Don't laugh... I was stuck in a rut on my diet and thought what the heck and did it.... DUDE, i lost like 9 pounds my first week, 6 my second week, and then averaged 4 pounds a week for the next month.
BUT...BUT.... You must know, I was working out very, very, very, hard about an hour a day while doing this.

I hope this helps.First, know that 3500 calories = 1 pound of weight. SO, to burn 1 pound per week you'll need to burn 500 calories extra a day. It is completely do-able to lose 25 pounds in 3 months. I've lost more than 10 in just this month by cutting my caloric intake down to between 1200 and 1500 per day. I work out 6 days a week doing at least 30 minutes of cardio (but usually more like an hour when I'm not strength training) and do strength training with a personal trainer 3 times a week. What has worked well for me is tracking all the food I'm eating and exercise I'm doing at fitday.com. To burn 25 pounds in 3 months you will need to burn about 1000 calories more per day than you consume- which sounds crazy, but on days that I exercise I typically burn between 3200 and 3500 calories (between working out and my body's basal rate, which is the rate at which your body just burns calories naturally, the site can help you calculate that)- so that easily clears what you'd need to do.

Good luck!

The G8 doing pre-natal yoga
yoga essentials

Image by Oxfam International

Orignal From: FitSugar's Spring Essentials: Fitness Gear For Running, Yoga, and More

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