
Yoga to increase your height

Yoga to increase your height

Sweat - Dance your way to fitness with Danceworx.
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how can i loose weight without getting muscle? and yoga?Don't worry about the muscle. I think you'll find, once you get rid of the overlaying fat and get down to your ideal weight, that the underlying muscle is attractive. Nobody likes bony. Look around you. The girls on tthe cross country team probably have the best looking legs in school, and they do plenty of running....

Running is good, the most effective exercise for using up excess calories.

Good luck. Be patient and keep at it. Nothing happens overnight.Well sweety, at 15 years old you should be worrying about the health risks of your weight. You shouldn't be obsessing over it however, drinking tea has been making me lose weight lately. I drink regular, not diet, White Tea with raspberry. This has helped me, and dont' ever let anyone tell you that being fat is okay. It's not. My sisters were over weight from the time they were 10 until they were 30 and one of my sister has heart problems and the other can barely walk up a flight of stairs. Being fat is not okay, however, being sickly skinny isn't alright either. Just eat right and get out and go play! Find a sport at your new school. I recommend softball.Muscle weighs more than fat. You WANT more muscle. You WANT to eat healthy, get your hear rate up for 30 min 4-6 days a week & you WANT to build strength...which means building muscle b/c it has been shown to be very beneficial.

Go get a magazine like Women's Health. It gives tips for exercise, how much you need & gives good recipes & fashion choices too - it's a magazine w/ everything.

If you lose fat, you will be slim - muscle and all.Any exercise is going to change that appendage to have more muscle, but it won't look bad.

When you do your running, do "intervals" of 1 to 5 minutes where you change speeds. For instance, start with five minutes of fast walking, then jog five, then run run five then do the sequence all over again.

Intervals will burn more fat than just thirty minutes of running because your body gets fooled into thinking of it as two seperate exercise times.

Also, be patient. Don't crash diet. Set your diet at 14 x current weight calories per day minus 500 hundred calories.

So if you're currently 140 lbs then that means that you start with a calorie in take of 1960 calories a day if you want to maintain your weight. So clip off 250 to 500 calories per day and you'll lose a half lb to a lb per week.

It may not sound like much but 1/2 a lb a week is 25 lbs.

As you go down, that same number of calories will start to become a maintanence number.

The must important thing though is:

1) Create good habits that you can maintain
2) Don't crash diet

Skipping soda is one of the best easy things you can do. Replace it with water.Yoga works wonders, so does tai chai (sp?) in helping to shed some necessary poundage.

But . . . Is it in your genetics to be more "muscle" than you really want to be? Some of us are endowed by our genetics to be more girl than we want to be!!

Running, walking, biking, etc are all very good exercise. Tighten and tone the muscles you have!! Be proud you are not a 88 pound weakling who cannot even get up enough energy to flip a light switch!!

Now for food plan!! Give up most of those goodies!! Plan in a treat like a small ice cream sundae once every 2 weeks!! Eat lots of good green vegies!! the green leafy ones! Try to fill up on them before thinking of french fry fits!!

Get the book South Beach Diet at the library. Read it and if you like, follow the phase 2 diet plan. The phase 1 is only for those dummies who weigh in at 400 (and you don't? do you?) Make this a lifestyle!!

But the exercising is the best plan!! quit worrying about building muscle!! Beauty and good health are your best assets!! Slim is not necessarily good!

Love from the Fluffy Ewe who is gettin Fluffier and Fluffier every day!!

runners lunge
yoga just my size

Image by lululemon athletica

Orignal From: Yoga to increase your height

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