
My Hot Pink Yoga Pants!!!!!!

My Hot Pink Yoga Pants!!!!!!

Richanda shows what she wore today.
Video Rating: 4 / 5

I want to lose 10lb In 5 Weeks..Will This Work?u should lesson ur calory intake and excersice twice a day it will surely help u!! thanx!Could do, sounds like a healthy diet.
But be careful on the walking. Have u walked that amount before?
I took up walking as a way to tone up. I used to walk 5 mile a day (to and from the kids school) but all it did was make my calfs huge and muscley lol. yeah they are toned but i liked them better when they were slim. I spoke to a fitness trainer and he said walking is no good for losing fat and because we are always using the muscles its really hard to lose that muscle now on my calf. only thing i could do is try not to use them for a long time till it turns to fat them do cardio to burn the fat.
So really cardio..anything that gets you sweating and heart rate up is going to burn fat, running etc. Walking would prob be better to do once you have lost the weight as i dont think it would help you lose weight from anywhere else, just make u fitter and legs toned.
Yoga again is good for toning your body. However as you said you want to lose actual weight i would concentrate on things like aerobics, running etc first and then once you get to the weight you want to be do the yoga and walking.
hope that helpsHey,

I was in your shoes not to
long ago.

Me and my husband were at a
dinner party and one of the
people recommended this site:


Just read it and you'll get an
idea of what the "answer" to
your problem is.

Good Luck!To loss the weight i think this option and its work for me:

eat more fruit
drink fresh juice
get detoxification
no junk food
no milk
no yogurt
no soda
drink natural water
sport (like exercise, running, walking, aerobic, swimming)
eat more salad
good sleep

the example eat menu :


Always same: juice presses fresh, as much as desirable, up to 14 ounce; fresh succulence as much as desirable, or salad fruit; when do you very hungry. When not make difficult, sometimes fun replaced fruit every day that eaten at morning


Fresh fruit juice, or carrot juice, 4 - 8 ounce, when does desirable. Salad with fresh vegetable addition desirable and combination sandwich with cucumber or celery.


Fresh vegetable cocktail juice, soup cream cauliflower. Potato boat or simple grilled chicken. Garlic flavor string bean. Salad green French.

I read this menu from this blog. In this blog have an articles for main program, program, healthy lifestyle, many tips and more useful links for loss your weight. And have VIDEO ARCHIVES, its very help.I'm trying to lose weight too and it's sooo hard. My aunt is using a weight loss product and it's really working for her (100% natural). I'm gonna try it and I recommend you try it too. It's really a colon cleanse, and it's a healthy way to detox, not like most diet pills. Check their website at
http://www.fit-quick-thin.us , my aunt got a free trial and paid only $ 4.95 shipping and handling.

All weather Apres Yoga Jacket
yoga jacket

Image by lululemon athletica

Orignal From: My Hot Pink Yoga Pants!!!!!!

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