
Duncan Wong at Yoga Games

Duncan Wong at Yoga Games

Duncan and his "Nami Flow" at Yoga Games in Gothenburg 2011
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Im looking for a game that will help me and the misses lose weight?DANCE DANCE REVOLUTION. Not even kidding though, my friend lost 30 pounds in 2 weeks off doing that and barely eating.JUST DANCE 3. It is legit the funnest game ever and its so easy to get your excersise in. They have a workout mode that keeps track of everything. And its so effing fun. Legit. Get it. I could play it for like 2 1/2 hours everyday.Really any fitness or dance game will work well. The only hard part is remembering to do it :)Nobody has gotten results with wii or any other game fitness crap. Nobody. If you want to lose weight and excersise and have muscle definition get P90x. It really works. Look at people's results on YouTube. There is yoga in the program too. You should do it. Its the fountain of youth. You can lift all the weights you want and be all strong. But in 20 years you're going to be the tin man. Why? Cause you didn't do yoga.if you go all out on ddr you will lose weight. when you first start your not going to loose much because of the slow pace but when you get good at the game you burn a lot of calories but its hard to go all out on it unless you get the platform with the bar the mat sucks. another game is bleach that game gets you moving

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yoga games

Image by Olivier Lejade

Orignal From: Duncan Wong at Yoga Games

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