
aromatherapyyy??? (: help. pleasee&&thanks?

aromatherapyyy??? (: help. pleasee&&thanks?There is no - I repeat, NO "aromatherapy" or any other "natural" product that will help cope with your disease. As far as coping with stress - you don't do it with chemicals, and that includes drugs, teas, ointments, powders and rubs. Yoga will not relieve stress nor will a spa - you can spend every penny you'll ever earn plus all those your children, grandchildren and great-great-great grandchildren will ever earn at a spa - and you'll have wasted it all. Got stress? Deal with it. Capisce?according to will, ^^^ you should "deal with it"

thats fuckin helpful right?
someones got an axe to grind -.-

stress is psychological. there for it should be dealt with the same way. if an appealing smell helps you relieve stress by all means smell it up. you might be interested some other things as well, broaden your horizons check out a near by tobacco shop or hed shop and see if they have any incense that you like. maybe one that slightly brings back a childhood memory or a comfort zone.


Sex is a great stress reliever and is REALLY ANTI cruel. unless you get into certain fetishes.avoid those lol.

Chocolate may be helpful ONCE IN A WHILE, but dont develop a stress eating disorder.

Marijuana is another good stress reliever. yes, in some places illegal. but keep in mind that the law isn't always right. if you disagree with that, do you AGREE with slavery?


http://www.tranquilityisyours.com/ <--Not marijuana related in case you've shot that down by now.

Its not what you do thats dangerous.Its over indulgence thats dangerous.

Forest fires in Russia. The threat of a catastrophe.

Article by Denis

Russia, survived the terrible summer of 2010 when the country was swept by forest fires, takes another fire strike in 2011. At this time, forests began to ignite even in winter, when in a few regions were recorded vozgovaraniya peatlands. This phenomenon is eloquent about what 2011 will be for Russia is no less severe or "hot."

Since the beginning of spring in the country area of ??forest fires has been steadily increasing and May 10 reports of fires is not the territory of 3,500 hectares. Every day-increasing number of fires to the list of dangerous regions joined by all new areas and cities. In early May, the most difficult situation with forest fires developed in the Chelyabinsk, Sverdlovsk and Amur regions. Despite the fact that the temperature barely reaches 20, among the causes of fire, says the warm weather. In comparison with 2010, noted an increase in surface area covered by forest fires.

Extermination of forests has continued and continues to catastrophic proportions. For many, these figures do not say anything, many who live far away from "hot spots", these problems seem remote and irrelevant, but every day is the greatest country in the world suffers from the fire, trees per hectare for hectare gradually disappear, turning into ashes. A feeling that last year's experience is not taken into account. Number of people involved in the elimination of fire and prevent the spread of fire, freezes on the mark, which is extremely insufficient, although it is expected there was a significant increase. And instead use more skilled workers and firefighters, to improve the efficiency of works on liquidation, the government headed by Dmitry Medvedev, passed a law on the formation of voluntary groups that allegedly have come to the rescue. Yes, more than 100,000 volunteers have already taken taught in liquidation. Despite this, Russia continues to suffer from a forest fire that spread to more and more territory.

Many areas are simply not ready to fight the fire. Since May 11 in the Amur region emerged wildfire in Norsk Reserve, which has turned into coal area of ??1,000 hectares, despite the fact that in fighting the fire were involved in all possible departments, including military, reserve volunteers.

Nearer the summer, and the news coverage figures for the areas affected by fire, more and more. One gets the impression that the authorities underestimate the importance of forests and the seriousness of the situation, giving the element of this walk, with an increasing appetite. Or is all much more dangerous and complex than it seems from the side? In early May, reported about 4 thousands of forest fires on the total area of ??86,405 hectares, an increase of 10 000 hectares more than the same period last year. The most problematic area marked the Trans-Baikal and Khabarovsk territories and the Amur region. Despite the special fire-fighting mode, which announced a government commission from May 10 to limit the population in forest areas, the number of fires and area of ??forest fires continue to rise inexorably. Among the popular and such mundane reasons of the inflammation observed careless handling of fire and arson. Involuntarily, one wonders, who needs to burn the forest, if it is so huge territory in the power of the flame?

Since the beginning of May 2011 fire on several occasions threatened to Human puntkam. The most difficult situation today, in Yakutia, where the warm and dry weather hampered the fight against forest fires. Problem is the lack of preparation and some regions of Russia for a meeting with fire and eliminate it. Thus, the Leningrad region recognizes the fact that in the case of serious fires, fire departments is not much help. The reason is that the financing of this sector is insufficient and does not cover those costs that are necessary to successfully fight forest fires. Population is extremely concerned about this state of things, but can not do anything. One popular explanation for the lack of funding - unplanned expenses for other needs more pressing. But in the Magadan region in the protection of forests allocated 180 million rubles. And despite the lack of fires in this region, trees can be happy and carefree to continue to grow - to save them have all the necessary facilities and human resources (4 aviaotdeleniya, 9 fire-chemical plants, air patrol will be 2 AN-2 aircraft and 3 helicopters MI -8, territory is constantly serve 21 people in change mode).

On May 13, 2011 the situation with forest fires in Russia in the early complicated. Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia announced an emergency situation in the Sverdlovsk, Voronezh, Moscow and Yaroslavl regions, where the area of ??fire increased by 5,000 hectares. The elimination of the fire, reportedly conducted around the clock. The most complicated situation is observed in Yakutia, where there were more than 20 areas of forest fires on more than 4,000 acres. In fire-fighting involved 1,200 firefighters and more than 150 pieces of equipment, among which the amphibian BE-200, dropping one flight up to 12 tons of water. In Siberia, noted fire houses (Novosibirsk Region, village Mochische) that were directly next to a forest where the fire raged. Destroyed 12 homes before firefighters dismantled the flames. Victims among the population there.

May 15, 2011 in Siberia registered 106 foci of forest fires, forest fire covered an area of ??1,492.6 hectares, said the regional emergencies center. In recent days the number of fires increased by 28 homes, and their area - to 560.3 hectares. "By the morning of this day in 1952 focus on the area of ??988.6 hectares have been localized," - said in the department. "Threats to the transition of fire on the civilian population there," - stressed in the MOE. For fighting forest fires in the past day involved 2,346 people and 534 pieces of equipment. Planes and helicopters Avialesookhrana "36 times rose into the air to air patrols. Forest protection inspectors conducted 396 raids to detect cases of violation of fire safety in forests, amounted to 133 administrative protocol. To restrict access to the forests and monitoring the situation they put 1,292 mobile and stationary post, ITAR-TASS.

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Orignal From: aromatherapyyy??? (: help. pleasee&&thanks?

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