
Yoga Hip Openers

Yoga Hip Openers

The benefits of hip opening exercises include increased strength and endurance during physical activities such as running, sprinting and jumping. Hip stretches not only open the hips, they also take pressure off the ankles, knees, lower back and spine, which allows the body to perform at its peak. For example, when our hip flexors are loose, we're able to fully extend our legs while running. If our hips are tight, our strides are shorter and the corresponding muscle and nerve reactions create imbalances in the body. Cyclists, runners and swimmers often have tight hips and quads and could benefit by practicing these exercises on a daily basis. Opening the hips makes us feel more emotionally, mentally and spiritually open because prana is able to flow freely from the sacrum (lower spine) to the limbs. This video is an intermediate to advanced hip opening and quadriceps stretching series. Be very careful with your knees in pigeon pose; flex your front toes to take the pressure off your knees. In pigeon, don't expect your shin to be parallel with the front of the mat unless you are very flexible --only go to the point of discomfort, not pain. Breathe through the uneasiness and picture your hip muscles opening. Also, when you transition into prayer twist, shoulder stretching and quad stretching from pigeon, bring your front heel closer to that same hip by bending your front knee more, and point your toe, which makes the pose easier and allows for a deeper stretch. I absolutely ...

Seated Hip Opener Sequence for Yoga

Esther Ekhart guides you through a 13 minutes Seated Hip Opener Sequence for Yoga which is very beneficial for the hips and the lower back. This is "Seated hip opener sequence for yoga". Please subscribe to my channel here: www.youtube.com Go to my channel: www.youtube.com Follow me on facebook : www.facebook.com Follow me on twitter: www.twitter.com Look me up on Google+ : www.gplus.to

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Orignal From: Yoga Hip Openers

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