
What kind of exercise is yoga?

What kind of exercise is yoga?it is just like mental and light exercise. its more about stretching and the mind. not really hardcore exercise, where you sweat a lot.it is a meditation exercise I think.i would say, yoga isnt an exersize, it is more like a relaxation progress.you are using resistance and that gains muscle mass. the way you regulate your breathing counts as a stress reliever..It is basically a n exercise that improves flexibility. It is also based on an eastern culture of some sort.

Yoga and Leg Stretch Exercises that Can Help Cure Back Pain

Article by Glen Wood - The Yoga Teacher

If you are feeling so many pain and aches on various areas of your body, you will benefit a lot from resorting to various yoga exercises. Yoga is known and popular in managing a lot of ailments and disorders due to stress. If you lead a sedentary lifestyle and you don't get much exercise, you will suffer from back pain if you won't do something to help you deal with it in an effective manner.

The best thing about yoga is that this won't clash with the other medications or treatments that you get for the other disorders that you have. If done on a regular basis, your back pain will improve after some time. You can also team this up with low impact exercises that can hone the flexibility and strength of your muscles, which include swimming and walking. Yoga can also help improve your body posture because it enables enlarging of your muscles and strengthening these in the process.

You should also bear in mind that you need to develop strong abdominals to help relieve the pain that you are getting on the back area. The abdominals provide good support muscles for your lower back, and in the process, help your body deal with swayback and arthritis.

As you get on with your regular yoga practice, you can also attain blood flow increase. Through this, the nutrients will easily flow inside you body and the toxins will not have a hard time flowing out. Through this, the muscles and the soft tissues located at your lower back will get the nourishment they need to maintain strong body with good posture.

There are many exercises that you can do in this case and to begin slow and easy, you may want to try simple leg stretching technique. This can be done by standing with your feet together and square body in front of a chair that is facing your way. Lift your right foot to the seat. Try to turn your left foot 45 degrees farther if you think that you have problems in keeping your balance.

Orignal From: What kind of exercise is yoga?

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