
How is yoga different than Pilates?

How is yoga different than Pilates?a good question, i was recently told to do both, by different people, i did a yahoo search to see what would come up ; check it out and see what you think,?

http://search.yahoo.com/search?p=pilates+yoga&ei=utf-8&fr=b1ie7Pilates uses weights whereas Yoga you just stretch.

Pilates is harder.Yogo and pilotes are different because of the movement styles.O.M.G.! HOW CAN'T U KNOW

yoga is like peaceful and relaxing every way,

but pilaties is like exersise where u strech,hold on u srech both ways in pilaties and yoga, huh?

oopsWhat is yoga?
Yoga is the best and most time-tested path to physical and mental well-being known to mankind. While some people think of yoga simply as physical exercise, it is actually a complete system for overall health and well-being. It includes everything from physical postures, personal hygiene, and a healthy diet to premeditation, breathing, and relaxation techniques. The most advanced forms of meditation and self-realization are also a part of yoga. Wai Lana's workouts focus on yoga's physical techniques.
Why do yoga?
Like many forms of exercise, yoga asanas effectively stretch and strengthen your body. The greatest benefits of yoga asanas, however, come from their profound effects on the internal systems of the body. By bending, stretching, twisting, and flexing in the various postures, you bathe your internal organs with oxygenated blood and prana, also known as life force energy or chi. Yoga asanas soothe and tone your nerves and regulate the endocrine system, which is responsible for the production of hormones—one of the keys to both physical and mental health. They also improve digestion and elimination, strengthen the respiratory system, and tone the reproductive organs. Although yoga techniques like asanas, breathing, and relaxation are extremely effective in relieving stress, it is Yoga Sound meditation that relieves deep-seated stress and anxiety, enabling you to experience yoga's greatest gifts: spiritual happiness and inner peace.

Wai Lana
It would be difficult, if not impossible, to find anyone who has had as much influence as Wai Lana in increasing the worldwide appreciation of the beauty and benefits of the ancient art of yoga. Wai Lana's internationally aired TV series attracts a huge audience and has played a significant part in the skyrocketing popularity of yoga. Click here to read Wai Lana's biography.

What is Pilates?
Derived from ancient yoga asanas, the Pilates exercise system was formulated by Joseph Pilates over 80 years ago for more specific and limited purposes. Although Pilates is not a complete balanced or holistic exercise and health system, it is quite useful. Pilates focuses mainly on cultivating core strength in the body and lengthening the spine. Practiced for decades by dancers, Pilates has become popular in recent years for its largely aesthetic body sculpting effect. Pilates can be a valuable tool for enhancing strength, definition, and good posture in partnership with Wai Lana Yoga. Click here to explore Wai Lana's Pilates Yoga line of products

Guidelines for yoga and Pilates practice:
• Yoga postures, especially inversions and those that compress the abdomen, should not be done on a full stomach. Listen to your body—if you practice too soon after eating or drinking, certain poses will feel uncomfortable.

• It's best to practice yoga asanas barefoot, using a yoga mat or nonslip surface for standing poses. A mat, rug, or folded yoga blanket will provide firm padding for other asanas.

• Wear comfortable clothing, something that allows you to move freely.

• Ideally, the room should be well ventilated. Have enough space to extend your arms and legs in all directions without hitting anything.

• While practicing, concentrate on the feeling that the asana is producing in your body.

• If you feel too weak or shaky in a pose, come out of it. Gradually, you will build up your strength and be able to hold the pose longer.

• Don't go beyond your personal limitations, but extend your boundaries gently. Doing the asanas correctly means doing them to the best of your ability without straining.

• Throughout the workout, focus on your breath, inhaling and exhaling fully and completely through your nose. Breathing with awareness not only feels good, but also balances and regulates energy flow within the body, strengthening your internal organs and boosting your resistance to disease.

Tips for Finding the Right Yoga Retreat Center

Article by Tod Spodek

As yoga retreats become more popular around the world, it is important to make sure you know what to look for in choosing the retreat that will help you to best meet your goals. There are now numerous glamorous yoga retreats situated throughout the world, including beautiful Mexico. Rather than simply relying on the location as a guide, it is important to consider what is offered by the retreat or retiro before making a final selection. Remember that while a yoga retreat can be a great way to spend your vacation time and can even provide you with the opportunity to relax in paradise, there is much more offered by a yoga retreat.

When choosing a retreat, be sure to consider your own experience level. Are you a beginner who is looking to be exposed to basic techniques and position as well as various types of yoga, such as Tantra and Chakras? Or are you experienced at yoga and are looking to explore more advanced yoga practices and techniques in terms of physical postures? Many retreats offer a combination of different types of programs and classes to suit the needs of everyone, but it is important to make sure of what is offered at a particular retreat before you actually sign up to attend.

If you happen to be a beginner, consider selecting a yoga retreat that will provide exposure to a variety of yoga facets that include lectures and classes that will help you to become more familiar with a life approach focused on yoga. Meditation or meditacion techniques can help you harmonizing the connection between the mind and the body. Many people consider this to be an absolute must when searching for a yoga retreat.

Of course, it is also important to look for a center such as the El Neem yoga retreat that has teachers who are fully qualified and certified. This will help to ensure that the entire center is managed with a comprehensive understanding regarding the various aspects of a yoga lifestyle. It is imperative to ensure you find a retreat that does focus on the yoga lifestyle and is not just a program with exercises and fitness routines.

To achieve the most benefits from your yoga retreat, it is important to choose a center that is situated in a location that is serene and suitable, such as Oaxaca, Mexico. A location with a tremendous amount of spiritual or espiritual energy is often best for this type of retreat or retiro.

If you are seeking advanced yoga practices and programs, it is important to seek out a center that is staffed with teachers who have a considerable amount of practice in various types of yoga. They will be best suited to instruct you in regard to advanced practices. As a result, you will be able to take advantage of even more benefits offered through yoga.

Choosing the right yoga retreat does not have to be difficult or time-consuming. It does involve some careful research to make certain you find the right retreat. Toward that end, you might consider reading reviews from prior guests of the retreat to be certain of what you can expect. When a yoga retreat is operated properly it has the potential to offer a tremendous amount of benefits to improve the health of your mind and body. This is why it is absolutely necessary that you seek out a yoga retreat that will provide you with everything you need, no matter where you might happen to be in your journey towards enlightenment and a fitter and healthier lifestyle.

Orignal From: How is yoga different than Pilates?

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