
Yoga has made by buttocks and legs perfect. But still have belly fat. How come? Which moves for the belly?

Yoga has made by buttocks and legs perfect. But still have belly fat. How come? Which moves for the belly?just jog for at least 20 mins or 30you must do crunches to move that fat tighten up the abd musclesyou will have to eat healthy and do cardio to get rid of that belly. some ab moves you can do along with that are crunches, side cruches, plank, leg raises, bicycleYou need to work on asanas that focus on core strength.
There are quite a few that work different parts of the core, such as abs, low back, side body (you need to strengthen all so that the muscles support each other).
I suggest visiting http://www.yogatoday.com and look for workouts that involve core building.
This is a free website that offers 7 one hour classes a week to choose from, and often there are one or two that focus on the core. It is a good idea to switch it up and to listen to your body as to what you really feel like working on each day.
The instructors are professional and very good at explaining how to engage your muscles to get the most benefit from your yoga practice, and they offer several yoga styles and workout styles. Give it a shot, I think you will be pleasantly surprised.
Good luck!

An Overview Of Holistic Treatments For Depression

Article by Robert William Locke

Who can you trust to give you accurate, unbiased information about holistic treatments for depression? Nobody! I say that because there are so many lobbies looking after their own interests that it is really hard to find accurate information. The biggest lobby of all, the pharmaceutical companies making ant-depressants, have been known to hide and suppress clinical trials regarding their medications which have been subject of much controversy. Little wonder then that holistic treatments for depression even get a look in.

Let me tell you briefly about one of these trials which was conducted by the University of Hull (UK) recently. They actually did a study of 49 clinical trials to discover whether the anti-depressants such as Prozac, Zoloft and Lexapro were really effective in helping depressed people with their symptoms. The study concluded that these drugs had little or no effect and were only useful in cases of severe depression, which fortunately are rare. Even more shocking was the fact that the effects were no greater than that obtained by giving the patients a sweet 'dummy pill'. As you can imagine the drug companies poured scorn on the study which makes me all the more suspicious.

So what are the alternatives and what exactly do we mean by holistic treatments for depression? As the word holistic suggests, it means 'whole' and that includes body, mind and spirit. These work in tandem to reinforce the organism and restore the balance which has been upset by the depression. There is no need to mention how the state of our physical health can impact on our moods and mental state and vice versa. There is more than enough evidence out there to prove that.

Holistic treatments for depression will include homeopathic remedies, herbal remedies, chiropractic, acupuncture, psychotherapy or 'talk therapy' and even things like exercise, diet and relaxation techniques, including yoga and meditation. All these treatments have one thing in common and that is that they work to get the body-mind harmonisation essential to good health, back on track and without forming any physical or chemical dependence. Just look at exercise alone. If you exercise for at least twenty five minutes, you will release the feel good endorphins into your brain and that will always lift your mood and feelings of well being. Perhaps one of the best examples of holistic depression treatment. The number of fit people who are depressed is very low.

It looks as if holistic depression treatment might well be the future but not yet! In the meantime, you can discover how effective these holistic treatments can be by clicking on the link below this article.

Orignal From: Yoga has made by buttocks and legs perfect. But still have belly fat. How come? Which moves for the belly?

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