
Why do some people consider Kundalini yoga dangerous?

Why do some people consider Kundalini yoga dangerous?99% urban legend hyped up to keep certain 'masters' in business. Truth is that kundalini yoga actually is not safe for certain folks who already have serious mental instability. It has exacerbated existing psychosis. However, it cannot produce mental illness in someone who doesn't have it, and in some cases it can greatly improve the lives of those who do have mental illness.Practising kundalini yoga per se is not dangerous but if it triggers off kundalini shakti(power) and
if you are not prepared for it then it is wrought with danger. Read kundalini yoga by Gopi Krishna
who experienced rising of kundalini power and the traumas he went through and the way he came
out of it. Please remember when you have right nostril breathing taking place and if this power rises
then you will experience extreme hotness in the body and if it is awakens when left nostril
breathing is taking place, then you will experience extreme coldness in the body. PLEASE
Therefore please tread on this kundalini path with caution. It could make you or mar you. I should
know as i am a Yoga Therapist
Good luck and God bless. Cheers! :o)because kundalini is life force conduit. Raising it slowly through meditation, yogic practice, and proper diet is safer than trying to channel it quickly. The reason being, with years of practice there is much preparation to remove blockages and obstacles. Without that, raising kundalini suddenly could cause instability or imbalance. Many are not ready for the higher practices of kundalini tantra.There is nothing to fear with Kundalini, in fact it releases us from the bondage of Patriarchal concepts, concepts that view ecstasy as dangerous. Working with Kundalini Shakti we have the opportunity not only to heal ourselves but to help heal others and the Earth with this wonderful energy.

"Fears about the kundalini are raised by false teachers and authors who have no real knowledge of the energy. They speak not from the experience but from hearsay. While their words may seem authoritative, especially to the unwitting reader or listener, they should not be taken seriously by the chela. What we should heed are the words of authentic scriptures and of many notable Adepts lauding the immense advantages to be gained with an awakened kundalini. True, certain authentic Masters in the Himalayan regions have sometimes summarily discouraged attempts at rousing the kundalini. But their words were meant to drive away insincere or even foolish seekers. They were intended to discourage the attention of ill-prepared adventurers and thrill-seekers."It is important to do it under the supervision of experts.

You don't want to have things open up for you if you are not able to close them down if desire.

Kundalini Yoga Poster

yoga kundalini - click on the image below for more information.

  • 24" x 36"
  • Demonstrated by Jeanine Marzella
  • 36 key Kundalini Yoga poses
  • Printed on acid free poster stock

Kundalini yoga teacher Jeanine Marzella demonstrates 36 key Kundalini Yoga poses in this elegant poster. The words on the bottom indicate the benefits of practice; awareness, flexibility, focus, grace and strength. It 24" x 36" and printed on acid free poster stock.

Kundalini Yoga Poster

Click on the button for more yoga kundalini information and reviews.

Spirit Voyage sets on a journey of wellness with Kundalini Yoga

Article by Karan Khalsa

Kundalini yoga is the most powerful part of meditative discipline within the tradition of Yoga. It deals with a set of advanced yoga exercises. The exercises are also sometimes referred to as Kriya Yoga. According to Hindu tradition Kundalini yoga is one of the purest forms of spiritual science that leads to enlightenment and God-Realization under the guidance of a Spiritual Master. The awakening of kundalini means awakening of inner knowledge. The practice of Kundalini yoga evokes the inner organs and senses to such a sublime state that one feels elevated from the mundane zone. Kundalini Yoga helps to detox and destress oneself from the tensions and stress posed by this fast pacing world.

Kundalini yoga is a form of yoga that combines postures (asanas), breath (pranayam), and chanting (mantra). Kundalini is a Sanskrit word that means "coil" and refers to energy that is "coiled" at the base of the spine. Through the practice of asana, pranayama and mantra, this energy is stimulated and rises through the chakras, also known as energy centers, in the body, creating better health, clarity of mind and a more enlightened state of consciousness. Most yoga teachers and scholars recognize the 7 major chakras in the body, adding the aura and numerous minor chakras throughout the body.

The most widely taught form of Kundalini yoga was popularized by Yogi Bhajan who traveled from India to the West in the late 1960's. Kundalini yoga as taught by Yogi Bhajan includes kriyas, which are either single postures or a series of postures practiced in sequence accompanied by mantras. Kundalini yoga contains nearly all of the classical hatha yoga postures, but also contains many additional asanas not found in hatha yoga. One of the unique features of Kundalini Yoga is that many of its asanas involve motion within the posture, as opposed to the more traditional practice of holding a solid posture, perfecting its perfect form as practiced in many of the other forms of yoga.

Kundalini Yogis generally practice a daily early morning sadhana, which includes the recitation of Japji Sahib, a prayer written by Guru Nanak, followed by a yoga set, and concludes with chanting meditations or mantras. The sanskrit word "sadhana" means "daily spiritual practice" which generally includes yoga, meditation, pranayama, and/or seva. Seva is selfless service or the act of helping others.

Kundalini Yoga as taught by Yogi Bhajan has a very strong practice of chanting mantras, primarily ones from Sikh scriptures as well as traditional Hindu texts and some English song. All Kundalini classes open by chanting the mantra 'Ong Namo Guru Dev Namo' and end by singing the song 'May the Long Time Sun Shine Upon You.' Within the class there is usually additional use of mantra, both incorporated in specific kriyas or postures and on their own as meditations.

Yoga music is incorporated into many forms of yoga, but Kundalini Yoga seems to make the most use of music for yoga and for meditation. As such, the recording of Kundalini Yoga music has become very prolific and there are a growing number of yoga music CDs being released for use with Kundalini Yoga. The most well-known artist in Kundalini yoga music and meditation music genre is best-selling musician, Snatam Kaur, whose music is reaching audiences around the globe. So indulge religiously in the practice of kundalini yoga and feel the power within yourself.

Orignal From: Why do some people consider Kundalini yoga dangerous?

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