
What is the full list of Sattvic Foods in the yoga diet?

What is the full list of Sattvic Foods in the yoga diet?The Proper Yoga Diet
The proper sattvic yoga diet contains the following elements:

- cereals
- wholemeal bread
- pasta, rice or potatoes
- fresh fruit
- fresh vegetables
- pure fruit juices
- milk
- yogurt
- butter
- cheese
- legumes
- nuts
- seeds
- sprouted seeds
- honey
- herb teas

Yoga Diet - Focusing Vegetarianism

Article by Roberto Sedycias

Yoga diet helps in setting an ideal weight and achieving spiritual and emotional balance. Yoga diet does not insist on planning a complicated menu or calorie tracking, nor does it ask you to stay hungry. Yoga diet refers to vegetarianism, as the principles of yoga regard Sattvic foods to be the ideal diet. These foods create new energy, calm mind and there by enables to use physical, mental and spiritual talents, besides being nutritious and easily digestible. Sattvic products include fresh fruits and vegetables, cereals, beans, natural fruit juice, milk, honey, butter and pure water. An ideal yoga diet focuses vegetarianism compiled of simple, natural, pure and effortlessly digestible foods that encourages the overall well-being and health.

The food cycle depends on the source of energy received from the Sun that helps in nourishing plants and hence it is believed to have vital life force, besides promoting life. Owing to this reason, the animal meat value is considered to be inferior by nature, albeit being a strong source of nutrition. Natural foods such as vegetables, fruits, grains, nuts and seeds all have varying essential nutrients in differing proportions and quantities. These are considered as they are getting easily absorbed, making the best sources of protein.

Yoga practitioners have listed fish and meat among injurious food believing that death fear pervades in every animal cell while being slaughtered. However, traditional yoga diet concentrates on lacto vegetarian and hence avoids eggs and animal meats inclusive of fish. In reality, modern research as well has given evidences that vegetarians are in better shape than non-vegetarians as the required proteins are obtainable from dairy products, nuts and legumes than that is available from fish and meat. Legumes, seeds, nuts and dairy products give sufficient proteins.

Yoga diet is appropriate with lacto vegetarian and this means it is composed of non-animal foods with the exception of milk and milk-derived products like yoghurt, cheese and butter. The research studies also state that a vegetarian diet is the best for overall health as meat proteins consume longer time to digest and are tough on the liver and kidneys. Relying on a vegetarian diet is not tough as there are adequate tasty alternatives to support the digestive system and health. However, red meats need not be cut down overnight and this can be done gradually by opting for white meats. Similarly, finding nutritious and tasty vegetarian foods will assist in relinquishing poultry, eggs and fish.

Eating fresh vegetables and fruits, and also cooking vegetables without destroying their enzyme and vitamin content with an inclusion of a few raw vegetables are recommended as yoga diet. Having whole grain foods and drinking nearly 2 liters of water everyday is mandatory. Stepping up by taking fluids having fruits and vegetable juices, herb trees, milk and vegetable milks is also suggested. Including soya, coconut, rice milk and abundant water rich foods are the best yoga diet, while steering clear of foods that are processed, sugar, white flour, fast foods, tinned foods, bottles, jars and pre-cooked meals is recommended.

Following a yoga diet does not compulsorily demand yoga practicing, but it focuses on the proven diet to reinforce a strong body and mind. Yoga insists in having a well-balanced diet to remain energized and alert throughout the day and is hence predominantly vegetarian comprising of simple, pure and natural foods.

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