
Question about thought in the brain....Me: sometimes racey...sometimes clear...?

Question about thought in the brain....Me: sometimes racey...sometimes clear...?"Meditation brings wisdom; lack of meditation leaves ignorance. Know well what leads you forward and what hold you back, and choose the path that leads to wisdom."If you feel you are not in touch with reality you need to seek medical care immediately. If you have a problem it would be better to get it under control while the problem is just fleeting. If you lose reality completely you may not be able to tell and therefore unable to seek help and hurt yourself or others.I think what you have is a mild form of anxiety (I have the same thing). I think some may misunderstand what you mean by "outside voices". Instead i would refer to them as thoughts that you don't fully believe but take a hold of your mind and occupy it before you have a chance to catch yourself. My therapist calls this self-talk. Doing yoga is GREAT for this type of anxiety. Deep breathing and exercise are two of the best things to help clear your mind of negative self-talk. The object of both of these is to synchronize your breathing rate and heart rate. My therapist says that if these are happening in a synchronized manner, there is a chemical pathway (don't ask me because I'm not a doctor) which calms the mind. This is what allows you to think clearly and "with your own ideas". I hope this is what you're talking about, and best wishes!

Basic Rules for Practicing Yoga

Article by Aman Roy

Yoga is the art of living a sound and healthy life. By enhancing the present status of mind, body and soul and by uniting these three prior elements in a single chord one can lead a perfect righteous life. Different forms of yoga like Hatha yoga, Ashtanga yoga or Kundalini yoga are practiced for ages to help in synchronizing mind, body and soul. Originated in India thousands of years ago, this art and philosophy of yoga implies teaching all people, the steps towards a stress-free life. Regular practicing of various yoga exercises like yoga postures or asanas, breathing exercises or Pranayama, ensure a calm and relaxed state of mind. A healthy mind indicates a healthy body. And yoga when practiced with meditation promises double benefit as meditation wards off all the unwanted thoughts and worries from human mind, thus making it pure like a crystal. Both yoga and meditation yield best result if a little bit of yoga music or meditation music can be incorporated in the practicing.

The main aim of yoga is to achieve the ultimate physical, mental and spiritual well-being of a human being. There are some basic rules which should be kept in mind while practicing yoga. It is advisable for those who learn and practice yoga all by himself, to know these basic yoga norms, or else it may turn harmful. The Yoga DVD offered at the online music company, Spirit Voyage, contains these valuable tips on yoga along with the details illustration of every yoga postures. These DVDs are suitable for all, be it beginners or practitioners. People from allover the world who are day by day showing interest on yoga, find these Spirit Voyage yoga CDs and DVDs truly beneficial. Yoga In Motion by Shakta Kaur Khalsa or Refining the Spirit DVD by Yogi Bhajan are just appropriate for all the yoga aspirants.

The best time to practice yoga is morning as it makes a person free for the whole day from the tension of taking time out for doing yoga. If doing yoga in morning is not possible for someone then he must choose a particular time and stick to that time everyday. It is advisable to practice yoga on a regular basis because irregularity will not bring the proper result. There is no need to practice yoga twice in a day but at least 15 to 20 minutes in a day should be alloted for doing this at the beginning and then gradually increase it to 1 hour. Try and find a clean, airy, calm and noiseless corner at home, play some soothing yoga music and make the atmosphere perfect for doing the sadhana. A mindful work like doing yoga must be done silently. So, talking or conversing with other person at that time is better to avoid. Though there is no restriction on normal food habit but the meal-timing is an important factor in yoga practicing. Doing yoga with full stomach is strictly disapproved by the yoga gurus. One can take a light meal an hour before doing yoga. It is always advisable to maintain a proper diet and stay away from any kind of spicy food, fast food, coffee, alcohol or drugs. Try to keep the mind fresh and tension-free at the time of doing yoga otherwise it may hamper the concentration level. Generally during illness one should stop yoga practicing and for women, it should be stopped during their menstruation periods. Ashtanga Yoga: The Practice Manual by David Swenson or Yoga Anatomy by Leslie Kaminoff, Sharon Ellis can help the practitioner by enlightening him with vast knowledge on yoga.

Apart from Yoga books, Spirit Voyage also offers a collection of Yoga DVD, CD on every form of yoga be it Kundalini yoga or Ashtanga yoga. The soulful music of these CDs and DVDs paired with the heart-touching soulful voices of Snatam Kaur, Wah!, Donna De Lorry, Gurmukh, Deva Premal and other legendary singers enrich the collection and make the sadhana more blissful. Another collection of soothing meditation music promises to fill up the heart and reunite the human mind, body and soul with the divine power.

Orignal From: Question about thought in the brain....Me: sometimes racey...sometimes clear...?

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