


PARATHYROID & REJUVINATION exercises YOGA LIVE EXERCISES FOR YOUTHFUL LOOK (THYROID & PARATHYROID exercises + VISHUDHA CHAKRA stimulation) Continue with: PARATHYROID & YOUTHFUL LOOK exercises YOGA LIVE youtu.be Music by Dev Suroop Kaur www.devsuroopkaur.com
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Which are the most effective yoga exercises for back pain?alll of the posed help backIt really depends where your back pain is...I'm going to assume low back, since that seems to be the most common. Here are some simple ones for that (that also help shoulders and upper back):

1) Knees to chest/sacrum rolling--lie on your back with your legs straight on the ground and your arms on the ground above your head. On an inhale, bring your knees to your chest, wrap your arms around them and hug them in. As you do that, lift your head/shoulders up and bring your chin to your chest. You'll be curled up in a ball, chin and knees both pulled in towards the chest. On an exhale release the pose, then repeat a few more times.
Then continue hugging your knees to your chest but relax your head and shoulders back down to the ground. Rock gently from side to side for a bit. Then bring one hand to each knee and begin rolling around on your sacrum (the triangular bone at the base of your spine). So pull the knees out and in, move them around in circles, whatever feels good really.
I would recommend doing these every day for low back pain. They're simple and they feel great.

2.) Cat/Cow: Start on your hands and knees. Line your wrists up underneath your shoulders and your knees beneath your hips (the legs shouldn't be touching each other). On an inhale, arch your back by lifting your chest and sit bones (the bones in the middle of your butt) while dropping your belly/mid-back down towards the ground.
Then on an exhale, reverse the move by rounding the middle of the back up toward the ceiling, rounding the shoulders and dropping the chin toward the chest.
Continue doing this sequence, moving slowly with the breath, at least 3 or 4 more times.

3) Twists: twists are great, and there are so many ways to do them! Here's a few:
Sitting: start by sitting "indian style" (crossed legs) with the spine tall. Reach your right arm back behind you (lining it up approximately with the middle of your back--it shouldn't be right up against your back, but don't have your arm so far away that you lean into your it). Then bring your left hand across to rest on your right knee. Inhale and lift through your low back all the way up to elongate your spine, then keeping the spine tall, move into the twist by turning to the right. Hold and breathe then switch sides.

Lying down: begin on your back with your knees in at your chest and your head/shoulders down on the ground. Drop your knees to the ground on your right, open your chest by bringing your arms straight out in from your shoulders (so you're making a T shape) and turn your head to the left to look over towards your left hand (unless this hurts your neck; in that case, look up at the ceiling). Relax into this pose, hold it and breathe, then take it to the other side.

If you can even make a few minutes each day to do some of these poses, you'll feel better. Just make sure to always be careful and listen to your body.

Exercise By The Sea
yoga exercises

Image by iansand


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