
I need some help with healthy eating, I am completely reinventing my diet, help?

I need some help with healthy eating, I am completely reinventing my diet, help?Hi. It's great that you've decided to become healthy! Try to stick to as natural, whole products as possible. Stuff like vegetables, beans, wholegrains, fruit, nuts etc. For each meal make sure you have a portion of fruit or veg, one of protein and one of complex carbs. The combination of these foodgroups will stop you getting too hungry. Add in a couple of healthy snacks like nuts and dried fruit and you have a perfectly balanced diet.
xDiet changes from place to place. I donot know which country and area u r and ur diet veg or non-veg.Don't listen to modern "healthy" plans. They do not realize that grains and beans are actually not healthy for you. Try looking into the Paleo Diet. You will see an amazing change in your overall health in as little as a week. After doing it for a month you will understand why this is such a good lifestyle. Just check out http://barefootbuffalo.com/2010/10/15/paleo-in-a-nutshell/ and pick up The Paleo Solution by Robb WolfI would recommend whole foods - meat, veg, eggs, cheese. beans, nuts, seeds, brown rice & minimize processed foods. Be wary of marketing ploys - "low fat" usually means we've replaced the healthy fats with sugar or starches - "whole wheat" usually means we've added a few grains to make this unhealthy food seem healthy. If they have to "fortify" a food, it's because it has no nutritional value by itself.

Eggs are the perfect food.

I would recommend full fat sugar free yogurt instead of milk. Dairy fat has vitamins & is extremely healthy & required to absorb calcium. Full fat milk is much healthier than low fat milk.

For optimal health, I advocate a low carb way of eating. As long as you have <9grams carbs per hour, you will maintain insulin control & shouldn't gain weight, no matter the calories, because insulin (the ONLY fat storage hormone) isn't activated.

I personally believe in using fat as fuel instead of carbohydrates. Fat is totally benign in the absence of insulin. There aren't enough calories in vegetables & fruits to fuel the body, if you get enough calories from carbs to fuel the body, then you maintain an almost constant high insulin level with roller coaster blood glucose levels. I recommend fats from butter, coconut, olives, avocados, nuts, fish & meats, chia seeds & flax seeds.

When you restrict higher carb, lower nutrition foods, it becomes much easier to greatly increase vegetables in your diet. Change your mindset just adapt it to low carb -
replace bread with lettuce
replace pasta with cabbage
replace rice with cauliflower
replace potatoes with brocolli

High carb levels trigger insulin which unbalance other hormones, promote inflammation, weight gain, hunger. Controlling insulin levels will balance out other hormones and allow sex hormones (testosterone in men) & human growth hormone (HGH) to be produced naturally so lean muscle will be gained even without exercise. Any exercise will greatly increase muscle mass with high HGH levels.

Carbohydrates (sugar, flour, bread, cereal, pasta, potatoes, rice) trigger insulin, the fat storage hormone. Protein triggers the fat burning hormone, glucagon.

Highly nutritious foods you should consider: avocados, sardines, sprouts, spirulina, paprika, turnip greens, mustard greens, kale, garlic, brewers yeast, raw almonds, ground flax seeds & chia seeds.

Fat won't make you fat (but a low fat, high carb diet can). Fat is essential to good health. (not including transfats) & supports a strong immune system & helps hormones to function properly. Fat tempers the devastating health effects of carbohydrates. Fat is needed to make the vitamins & minerals in your foods (like calcium & vit.D in milk or alpha and beta carotene and lycopene in vegs) bioavailable so they can be incorporated into the body structure. Most people do better with a higher level of fat than with less, even if the body is being fueled by carbs & not fat.

The body can not release body fat stores until the bloodstream is clear of insulin. Carbs greater than 9grams per hour trigger insulin. Insulin is the only fat storage hormone. As healthy as fruit may be, fructose the sugar in most fruit is the most lipogenic (fat producing) carb.

from the article posted below:

Another study done a few years ago at Ohio State University showed that salad dressing with oil brings out the best in a salad when compared to no-fat, low-fat dressings.

When the seven test subjects consumed salads with no-fat dressing, the absorption of carotenoids was negligible. When a reduced-fat dressing was used, the added fat led to a higher absorption of alpha and beta carotene and lycopene. But there was substantially more absorption of the healthful compounds when full-fat dressing was used.

Study researchers say they were not only surprised by how much more absorption occurred with fat added to the meal, but they were taken aback at how little the body absorbed when no fats were present. "The fact that so little was absorbed when no fat was there was just amazing to me," says Dr. Clinton.


7 Reasons to Eat More Saturated Fat

1) Improved cardiovascular risk factors

Saturated fat in the diet is the only means to reduce the levels of lipoprotein — that correlates strongly with risk for heart disease. Eating fats raises the level of HDL, the so-called good cholesterol.

2) Stronger bones

Saturated fat is required for calcium to be incorporated into bone - According to expert in human health, Mary Enig, Ph.D., as much as 50 percent of the fats in the diet should be saturated fats.

3) Improved liver health

Studies show that saturated fat encourages the liver cells to dump fat content. Saturated fat has been shown to protect the liver from toxic insults & even to reverse the damage.

4) Healthy lungs

The fat content of lung surfactant is 100 percent saturated fatty acids. Replacement of these critical fats by other types of fat makes faulty surfactant & potentially causes breathing difficulties, collapse of the airspaces & respiratory distress.

5) Healthy brain

Your brain is mainly made of fat & cholesterol. Most of the fatty acids in the brain are saturated. The brain needs saturated fats to function optimally.

6) Proper nerve signaling

Certain saturated fats, found in butter, lard, coconut oil, & palm oil, function directly as signaling messengers that influence the metabolism. Without the correct signals to tell the organs & glands what to do, the job gets done improperly.

7) Strong immune system

Saturated fats found in butter & coconut oil (myristic acid & lauric acid) play key roles in immune health. Loss of sufficient saturated fatty acids in the white blood cells hampers their ability to recognize & destroy foreign invaders, such as viruses, bacteria, & fungi. Myristic & lauric acid have potent germ-killing ability. We need dietary replenishment of them to keep the immune system vigilant against the development of cancerous cells & infectious invaders.


Saturated fats play many important biologic roles. They are an integral component of cell membranes, which are 50 percent saturated fat. Lung surfactant is composed entirely, when available, of one particular saturated fat, 16-carbon palmitic acid. Properly made with this fat, it prevents asthma and other breathing disorders. For nourishment, heart muscle cells prefer saturated long-chain palmitic and 18-carbon stearic acid over carbohydrates. Saturated fats are required for bone to assimilate calcium effectively. They help the liver clear out fat and provide protection from the adverse effects of alcohol and medications like acetaminophen. Medium-chain saturated fats in butter and coconut oil, 12-carbon lauric acid and 14-carbon myristic acid, play an important role in the immune system. They stabilize proteins that enable white blood cells to more effectively recognize and destroy invading viruses, bacteria, and fungi, and also fight tumors. Saturated fatty acids function as signaling messengers for hormone production, including insulin. And saturated fats signal satiety. Not surprisingly, given all these biological functions, saturated fats make up 54 percent of the fat in mother's breast milk (monounsaturated fats are 39 percent; and polyunsaturated fats, a tiny 3 percent).


Plaque build up in the arteries is more attributable to carb consumption than dietary fats, which seems to be the conclusion of the following study. Carb consumption raises triglycerides & VLDL (bad cholesterol). Fats raise the HDL (good cholesterol). High triglyceride levels & low HDL levels are an indicator of plaque & glycation - the precursors to a heart attack & heart disease.

study from the Oxford group examining the postprandial (after-eating) effects of a low-fat vs. low-carbohydrate diet. (Roberts R et al, 2008)

Postprandial lipoproteins, you'd think, would be plentiful after ingesting a large quantity of fat, since fat must be absorbed via chylomicrons into the bloodstream. But it's carbohydrates that figure most prominently in determining the pattern and magnitude of postprandial triglycerides and lipoproteins. Much of this effect develops by way of de novo lipogenesis, the generation of new lipoproteins like VLDL after carbohydrate ingestion.

http://heartscanblog.blogspot.com/2009/11/after-eating-effects-carbohydrates-vs.htmlHey, I'm 13 years old and I really wanna help!

Well, first of all, if you want a healthy diet you should eat from every group of food.
Group of foods:
Fibre and vitamins
Sugar and fats
But you should NEVER EVER eat a lot. Do not eat three bags of chips and chocolates and sweets/candy a day. You should eat only one bag of chips or sweets/candy/chocolate for one week if your going through a healthy diet. Eat proteins like fish, meat, eggs, diary products...etc Do not eat alot from every group. Divide your meals everyday but do not eat the same food all the time. Drink milk for healthy bones.

Now, about your fitness. You should exercise everyday.
Everyday take some hours (30 minutes-2 hours or more) of your time to excersise. Excercising doesn't mean running around your house or street a million times and torture yourself. It means playing sport in a fun way. If you hate running start jogging, riding bicycle, walking, playing sports...etc The best way to lose Weight is by burning fat. You can burn fat and calories by a lot of FUN ways: Hoola hooping, riding bikes, walking or running, jumping...etc Many people just say that they don't want to get out of the house and sweat in the hot sun. They want to stay at home or go to the gym. If you will go to the gym, that'll be great! You can lift wights (for a guy) play basket ball, tennis, jog...etc If you wanna stay at home, buy a WII (It's a game) with CDs. Do not buy games like super mario (if you want them for entertainment well you can but it's not for losing weight and healthy diet) and these stuff. Buy a WII FIT. You can excercise and burn fats while enjoying your time! It tells you how long have you been excersing, how many calories have you burned and how many LB (weight) have you lost! It's a great way to excerise!

Third of all, Getting enough rest.
Between every 15 minutes or 30 mins (30 minutes preffered) take a 5-10 minutes rest. Drink plenty of water after excersing. When you will sleep, do not sleep at 12 mid-night and wake up at 6 or 7 for school. Sleep at 8-9:30 or before. This way you'll get plenty of sleep and have energy for the next day!

Hope I helped!!!

Bell Sports 108967 Yoga Fundamentals Kit

yoga kit - click on the image below for more information.

  • Yoga Mat- Ensures correct positioning of hands, feet, body.
  • Yoga Strap-Increases flexibility and promotes a longer, leaner proife.
  • 2 Yoga Blocks-Provides gentle support to help you adjust and perfect your positions.
  • 1 Instructional DVD- Features a 45 minute yoga workout suited for all levels and a 25 minute yoga pose workshop.

The Savasa Yoga Fundamentals Kits includes an instructional DVD featuring a 25 minute yoga pose workshop and a 45 minute yoga workout.Along with the Yoga essentials you'll need to get started- a cotton strap,two blocks, a pose manual, and a specially designed mat to ensure that your feet, hands, and body correctly aligned for each pose.

Bell Sports 108967 Yoga Fundamentals Kit

Click on the button for more yoga kit information and reviews.

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The Secrerts To Building A Kit Home
The Secrerts To Building A Kit Home
Exhance Your Yoga Experience With The Latest Gear

Article by David Silva

One of the great advantages of persuing yoga is that it doesn't require much in the way of gear. In fact, most folks can get by with nothing more than a comfortable pair of sweats and a litte open floor space. But if you're ready to get more serious about your yoga, there are some items that you might want to add to your routines. Here are just a few for your consideration:


Sticky yoga mats can provide a safe and comfortable non-slip surface for your yoga routine. Believe it or not, there are mats that are specifically designed for yoga, as opposed to Pilates mats or other exercise mats. A good yoga mat will tend to be thinner and easy to roll up to place in your gym bag for easy transportation and storage. By the way, most places selling yoga equipment can offer you a variety of mat styles and colors, so you'll be able to express your individuality in the gear you choose.

Yoga Straps

Yoga straps are less common that some of the other forms of gear listed here. In fact, if you've been doing yoga for awhile, you still may not be familiar with them. A yoga strap is a simple nylon strap with a plastic or metal buckle. Usually light-weight, you can find them in a number of different colors. How are they used? Most commonly the yoga strap is used as an aid for those people who just can't quite reach a specific goal in a pose. For example, they can help you with such challenging poses as the Seated Forward Bend (or Paschimottanasana) where you sit with both legs in front of you and attempt to lay your torso flat over your thighs. If your hamstrings are particularly tight, a yoga strap can be looped around your feet to pull your torso gently forward until you feel that distinctive sensation where you know you want to be.


Yoga blocks and bricks are used by many yogis to modify poses in their workouts. These blocks can help you to deepen your stretches, reduce the strain on a particular muscle group when you're beginning to learn a new pose, and provide a better foundation for proper body alignment. Most yoga stores will sell a variety of blocks in sizes that can help you with both simple and advanced poses.


Not technically gear, yoga workouts on DVD and video have become incredibly popular today, particularly for those who are too busy to attend a regular class, or who no longer feel the need for the guidance of a yoga instructor. You can find DVD yoga workouts for all levels, from beginner to master, including titles such as Crunch - The Perfect Yoga Workout, The Total Body Yoga Workout DVD, QuickFix - Power Yoga Workout, and ZenMama Prenatal Yoga Workout DVD. There's something for everyone interested in yoga on DVD.

If you have a yoga store near you (or if you poke around the Interent a bit), you'll also find that there are a variety of yoga "kits" available as well. These packages typically include all the basic yoga gear: one or two blocks, straps, a mat and sometimes even a video or flash cards of different poses. Yoga kits are a wonderful starting point for the yoga enthusiast, especially if you aren't quite sure where to begin.

Orignal From: I need some help with healthy eating, I am completely reinventing my diet, help?

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