
Yoga for Golf

Yoga for Golf

Yoga for Golf If you'd like to submit a question on yoga, or an idea for an upcoming show, please send me an email to chaz@yogamazing.com. Namaste, Chaz www.yogamazing.com
Video Rating: 5 / 5

Tammy Sytsma Yoga therapy - golf.AVI

Two yoga poses to strengthen the back and increase spinal rotation. These 2 poses are especially effective for golfers and also baseball players (for batting) and anyone else using twisting motions and in need of back strengthening.

I'm taking my first birkham yoga class this saturday...what should I expect?you are just going to be VERY sore afterwards, especially if you aren't flexible :(

have fun, good luck!Its going to be VERY hot, hotter then what you think. Be sure to bring lots of water and a towel to wipe all the sweat off. When I went with my track team, the instructor only gave us certain times for water breaks. So drink plently before you go. Its alot of fun and its not too bad with the flexiblitly, good luck!

Orignal From: Yoga for Golf

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